Importing and exporting data with admin integration.

Django-import-export is a Django application and library for importing and exporting data with included admin integration.

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4 min read

Must Know Django Packages

Feature Image

django-import-export is a Django application and library for importing and exporting data with included admin integration.

Latest version :

django-import-export release v3 is currently in beta (pypi)


  • support multiple formats (Excel, CSV, JSON, etc) read more from official docs
  • admin integration for importing/exporting
  • preview import changes
  • export data respecting admin filters


pip install django-import-export

specific version can be installed by specifying the version.

pip install django-import-export==3.0.0b4


Add the package to INSTALLED_APPS on


Collect statics to support styling in django admin panel.

python collectstatic

Integrating to admin panel

We need to define a Resources class that refers to a model in which we want to enable import export.


from import_export import resources

class BlogResource(resources.ModelResource):
    class Meta:
    	model = Blog

Now we can register the model to admin with admin.register
from import_export.admin import ImportExportModelAdmin

class BlogAdmin(ImportExportModelAdmin):
    resource_class = BlogResource, BlogAdmin)

Full code looks like this

from django.contrib import admin
from import Blog
from import_export import resources
from import_export.admin import ImportExportModelAdmin

# Register your models here.

class BlogResource(resources.ModelResource):
    class Meta:
        model = Blog

class BlogAdmin(ImportExportModelAdmin):
    resource_class = BlogResource, BlogAdmin)

That's it. Here are some screenshot to verify our configuration.

Here we can see that we can export on various formats. Similarly we can import on various formats. Furthermore we can use the import and export functionality programmatically as well.
Let's see an example to export using the shell. Fire up the shell by

python3 shell

We can do this by reusing the BlogResource that we added on file.

from import BlogResource
dataset = BlogResource().export()

This will print the exported data in csv format

3,1,,sdfsd,sdfsdfsd,sdfs,1,sdfsd,,60,0,0,2022-08-20 10:05:19,2022-08-27 11:18:08
1,1,uploads/299496744_5438537262880214_6238834739525833684_n.jpeg,Title 1,some good caption,good-caption,1,"# THis is heading
## subheading

body text[![](http://localhost:8000/media/editor/IMG_20180219_152316_20220825111743599583.jpeg)](http://localhost:8000)

some `code` hightlight checking",,225,0,0,2022-08-20 10:04:48,2022-08-26 20:50:41
2,1,uploads/1660795538413.jpeg,Tittle 2,Tittle 2,sss,1,sdfsdf,,4,0,0,2022-08-20 10:05:08,2022-08-25 21:47:41

That's a wrap

Please do follow the official docs for more information. Thank you for reading this article.
Any feedback/comment/suggestions to improve the articles are welcomed!

Happy Learning!